Who would you recommend as the best guide?
Guided photo tours of Yellowstone
I am not a photo buff. BUT we had a great tour Friday with Jason, the owner of Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris jacksonholewildlifesafaris.com/photogallery.…
He is himself a photographer, so I%26#39;d think he might be great for you. Check the web sites out and see what you think. http://www.jasonwilliamsphoto.com/
I am going to do my review of our tour as soon as TA gets his activity listed--should be a few days.
Guided photo tours of Yellowstone
Know nothing about you or your trip, but YNP is a vast place with many viewpoints, plus hiking of course. The roads take you to the valuable places for sightseeing/photography/wildlife watching. If you see folks with spotting scopes and cameras with long range zooms, you are at the right place for distant wildlife watching and photography. Otherwise, it%26#39;s all around you.
This might help:
For wildlife viewing and photography:
While Voyaging is correct that you can certainly drive yourself, we enjoyed a wildlife photography tour with Rick the owner of Yellowstone Year Round Adventures ( www.yellowstoneyearround.com ). The day we toured with him we saw our only wolf and also saw over a dozen bears. Rick had good intel on where the wolves had been seen the day before and knew all the regulars who were quick to pass on info to him. He also does tours of the park taking in the highlights. It was nice for me as the driver to have a break for a day. He%26#39;s out of Gardiner and has comfortable vans, picks up almost anywhere, provides meals and/or snacks and drinks and has a scope for you to use. I highly recommend him.
Touring with a professsional does give you time to concentrate on taking photos and not driving, parking, or traffic. These pro%26#39;s are in the park on a daily basis and know when and where to find wildlife, best scenics, water features, etc.
I would consider authorized concessionaries that work with Yellowstone and meet their requirements for safety and training.
You can check www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/photobus.htm
or http://westyellowstonechamber.com/play/tours/
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