Friday, April 13, 2012

Planning a trip Mid June!!

Want to mostly camping,but not at crowded campgrounds. ANyone have favorite spots they want to share in or AROUND the park. We are spending 2 days in Tetons and 5 days in yellowstone. Is the Northern entrance where we want to concentrate. Might be nice to break up the trip with to MOTEL stays for showers and to keep the smell down in the cars. Anyone log a trip or know where there is a good blog??? My email is

Planning a trip Mid June!!

Here%26#39;s trip reports, pictures, maps, sample itineraries, etc from our trips.

We didn%26#39;t camp though. We flew and it wasn%26#39;t worth the trouble. This link is to our planning information. There%26#39;s useful links there too.…

Look at the campground link to see the NPS info on campgrounds. Not all have showers or laundries.

Canyon is the campground with facilities and a great location. Probably gets crowded though. Most of them may be pretty crowded in the park.

Planning a trip Mid June!!

The north entrance private campgrounds are not likely to be very nice. It is warmer here, but also not very wooded. There are forest service camprgounds near most entrances. Depending on how much driving you are willing to do and what activities/ sites you plan to see. If are willing to stay at the larger park campgrounds (many are very nice) you will be much more centrally located. I would not stay all 5 days of your YNP time at the north entrance, or you will end up doing the same drive back and forth to the north entrance over and over.

As for showers, both parks have nice shower houses where you pay a small fee and can have a nice hot, unlimited length shower. You can even rent a towel. Try Colter Bay, next to the campground store IN GTNP and Canyon or Grant Village for showers in YNP. They open early and stay open until maybe 9 pm?? They all have laundrey facilities in the same building.

Motels around the park can be pricey, if you are campers, save your moeny and use it instead for nice meals at Jackson or in the park.

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